Photo Mar 21, 3 52 29 PM.jpg

For us Ohioans, we're constantly thrown a curveball almost everyday regarding the weather. Spring has NOT sprung — I repeat, SPRING HAS NOT SPRUNG. And I know, most of my fellow ohioans can agree that we thought winter would be far behind us by now. But alas, we are still experiencing bipolar weather and it almost seems as though it's never-ending. 

So many people I have talked to have been craving the sunshine and since we've put our hopes on early spring to brighten up our lives, things seem even dreary than usual. Unlike most people, I actually enjoy the gray, gloomy days — and kind of like the back and forth weather mainly because I love change and get bored easily — but even I must say, this cold thing ain't cutting it anymore. Where is the sun, flowers and the fresh spring air!?!

So before we get even more grumpy and gloomy, here are five good things that have been going on in my life and hopefully it makes you think of some things that are making you happy in your life:

1. I've started using the Headspace App (again). Because yes, I fell off the wagon of meditation, and if you don't know what Headspace is, it's an app that talks you through meditation and how to effectively practice it. Mindfulness is sooo trendy now (so it makes me cringe to say it), but it's really important and also so hard to achieve with all the noise we experience on a daily basis. I highly recommend this app for everyone. 

2. If you've known me for a while, you'd know that I was raised on a holistic way of living. When I was younger I was so much more embarrassed by it because it was sooo out of the norm — now it's trendy. I will say with the popularity of things now, I don't feel as "weird" to be that person, so I am embracing it so keep your eyes open for a new post about some of my favorite "holistic" things. 

3. I'm apartment hunting, yet again. I have this terrible habit of getting bored and wanting a fresh vibe a lottttt. It's a curse and a blessing all in one, I guess. Anyway, I've been in this apartment for two years, and I am ready to say goodbye to the zero storage, dark space and blah-ness. It's a lot of work to move and search for something affordable and somewhat to my liking — so yay for this next journey, hopefully coming soon-ish. 

4. I've started a gratitude journal and I think everyone should. With how fast-paced life is and how perfect we expect our lives to be thanks to "social" influencers, I think it's easy to get caught up in the glass half-empty attitude. That's why I think this is crucial to gain a new perspective on our lives. 

5. We're coming up to the last few weeks of our season at DBS and that in itself is exciting. Yes, it's definitely a good thing. Our students get to showcase what they've been working towards all year, and we get to have a break soon — I can see the light at the end of the tunnel! 

What are some good things that have recently happened in your life?
gabrielle sharpComment