Dear Mama,

Here's the thing — in life, I think where there is a loss, there is a gain somewhere else. Although, we didn't have that perfect picket fence family, (like many others), I got lucky and was raised by the fiercest person I know — you.

Photo May 31, 4 50 16 PM.jpg

But the older I get, the more I've realized that you're even more extraordinary than I thought. 

I think we all have this vision of our parents being superheroes — so strong that they can withstand anything and still have enough energy to heal our wounds, fix our broken hearts, catch us when we fall, love us when we're being brats, and more. And in many ways, it's true. But being my own person now and having my own dark days and insecurities, makes me think about how incredibly fierce parents in general have to be in order to overcome their own obstacles so that they can nurture and raise their children.

As I start to add on more years to my life, I can't imagine another person I'd want to call mom. I don't think I've given you enough love throughout the years — especially during my darkest days, because you were still lighting the way (even though there were many times I didn't want you to stand beside me). 

The gratitude I have for you, and the lessons you've taught me are indescribable — and the woman I am today is representation of your love, support and wisdom. I'm so happy to have your guidance, and yes, your sassiness along the way — Happy Birthday, Mom! 

I love you,

Baby Belle

p.s. sorry I didn't get you a gift like the last 25 years — keeping it a tradition ;) also how adorable is my mom in the lap of my favorite man — my gramps.

gabrielle sharp