Ok, lets talk about a global phenomenon—Selfies. 

I know what you may be thinking: superficial, trendy, self-expressive, narcissistic, attention-craving or just Kim K perhaps?

But hear me out. What if we view selfies as a positive rather than a negative?

Yes, I think there are plenty of people out there who overly indulge in the activity of selfies and who associate attention and likes with their self-worth—but we all do it, right? 

But I'm asking you when do you take selfies? How about when we are feeling pretty, beaming of positivity because maybe for once we kind of appreciate our features. Maybe this day we're having a good hair day, or we are just simply feeling ourselves?

Artwork by Gabrielle Sharp

Artwork by Gabrielle Sharp

And I don't blame you, post the ones when you feel the prettiest—document that beauty and self-love because we know life is a rollercoaster and tomorrow we might not feel as radiant. 

It's no secret that we all are craving body positivity, self-love and happiness, and now I think the world does a pretty good job creating awareness. But we also all experience those subconscious thoughts that creep in when we start comparing the girl behind us in the coffee line. 

So when I see people finding that perfect light and taking a selfie there's no judgment here because I know they feel beautiful or handsome enough to bring out that frightening front camera. 

Selfies are scary, am I right? Sometimes I take them and then have a freak-out moment: Maybe I don't look good in this photo? Should I post the other one? Are people going to judge me because I'm actually posting a selfie? I mean the thoughts can go on and on. 

But I don't know about you, but when I see people posting selfies once in a while I commend them for feeling confident enough to say 'here I am and today I do actually feel like me and feel pretty.'

Self-esteem, selfie-steem, aye get it?

So snap away. Be confident. Love yourself.  

Lifegabrielle sharp