What does self-preservation mean to you?

To me, it's almost more important than self-care. The holy trend of caring for oneself, embracing body positivity, and focusing on wellness is only half the focus of creating the best life. 

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If we don't protect what we are caring for then what's the point? 

I'm not talking about self-preservation in the sense of psychology and I am not saying life is dangerous and we need to protect ourselves from the bad — I mean yes, good is always better (no one wants to invite the bad in), but I am saying self-preservation is more to me than that. 

A huge element in growing is preserving what we're spending our time on — whether that's mental, physical or emotional work. Protection and sustainability are key in order for progression.

It's most certainly not about vanity or the ego, but it's really about worthiness and knowing that protecting and sustaining your positive energy can help not only you but those around you.

It's quite contagious if you ask me (did anyone else say this in a British accent? No? Just me, oh ok). 

It's easy to get side-tracked and find yourself on the bottom of your list of things to do because yes, life does get in the way. Believe me, I get this. But the more particular I am with how I spend my days and who I choose to have in my life, the more productive and fulfilled I am. 

I feel like in my late teenage stage/early 20s, I needed to please everyone even if that meant less "me time." I would feel guilty if I didn't yes to the first person who wanted to hang out or if I only had an hour to spend with someone. 

So I found myself either not getting things accomplished or putting unwanted extra stress on myself because I didn't make time for the things that needed to get done — whether that was a 3 mile run on the treadmill, bubble bath or content for any of my jobs. 

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It doesn't matter if it's work-related or personal, if it makes you a better person, then protect it. Self-care, and preservation gives us the energy, motivation and momentum to continue on. I think of it as a necessity for a long, happy and fulfilled life. Take care of your life, and then protect wholeheartedly. 

gabrielle sharp