Oh boy, the ebb and flow of life.
Recently, I been focused on understanding that life's ups and downs are needed to remind yourself that there is beauty in everything—brokenness, simple things, uncertainty, love, un-creativeness—I could go on and on.
Truly, I believe in Newton's law that states, "What goes up must come down."
I'm aware that life isn't always going to be rainbows and butterflies, but it's nice to acknowledge an emotional high. On the flip side, I also realize that when life is heavy, that there's a brighter moment around the bend.
Before we start the weekly hustle, here are some thoughts for your Sunday evening:
Capture the little things. It's a reminder that sometimes the small things can have the biggest impact.
Find beauty in the uncertainty—it's easy to start doubting where you are and where you're headed, but we're growing even if it's unnoticeable.
Learn when it's time to rest and when it's time to work. Yes, I think we all struggle with this.
Wake up with a positive thought. The day is so much more productive and brighter when it's starts off on the right foot. (There's a reason we say we woke up on the wrong side of the bed, let's not do that anymore.)
Say yes to your day. I think we talk so much about saying "no," but what about yes? This is about us. If you want that piece of chocolate pie, say yes. If you want that shirt, say yes. If you want a date night with yourself, say yes. You deserve a gift once in a while, don't feel guilty.
What will you be focusing on this week?