Cheers to another cliché 2016 reflection post—we are now entering the eye-rolling, New Year, New Me phase. 

So I do my fair share of surfing social media, mainly because it's my job and also I find a lot of inspiration for life—as broad as that seems. Yes there's a lot of junk on the internet, but there's also a lot of enlightening things that can motivate you. 

Photo by Isicleartwork by l.bows

I recently came across something on Tumblr:

"Lately I've been replacing my 'I'm sorry's' with 'Thank you's', like instead of 'Sorry I'm late' I'll say 'Thanks for waiting for me,' or instead of 'Sorry for being such a mess' I'll say 'Thank you for loving me and caring about me unconditionally' and it's not only shifted the way I think and feel about myself, but also improved my relationships with others who now get to receive my gratitude instead of my negativity."

After processing that, it really started resonating in my mind, and I started to realize how important this is to create strong relationships not only with others, but also with yourself—it's all about perception and the way you train your mind to think. 

Recently, lots of things in my life have seemed like I've been rowing myself upstream while the current just keeps on pushing me downstream (But, I won't ever let myself feel victimized by circumstances, so don't worry—no pity party here).

I've done a lot of reflecting, and what perfect timing, right? 2016 is coming to an end and I am beyond excited to enter the new year feeling refreshed. 

I've been really focusing on vibes. I know it may sound weird to a few, but that whole trend of #positivevibesonly is a real thing—at least in my life. The past two years or so have been full of crazy moments that have, yes, made me stronger, but have really broke me down to where the only place I felt like myself was at work (which luckily I have the best two jobs ever, so I'm pretty lucky). 

But I've really been thinking about how the people you hang out with and the places you go really reflect who you are. It's time to really be unapologetic about who we are and what is best for us. We should be creating the best version of ourselves, so that as we're going through life we can experience adventure, love and happiness in the best form possible. 

Invite fearlessness and compassion into your life. 2017 is going to consist of more motivation, organization, fun and encouragement for me and for those who are surrounded with my energy. Commit to your word and your  resolutions because it doesn't matter where you start, it's about where you finish.  

This year, I'm hoping to really hone in on doing things for me and being aware of who and what is taking up my time. You're in control of your life—create a life that is worth living whole-heartedly

I wish you laughter, a full heart, acceptance, forgiveness and the ability to overcome obstacles to know how strong and beautiful you really are. Make this year worth every second—learn from the past, be present in the present and prepare for the future.  

Happy New Year, sweets!

Lifegabrielle sharp